Gabriele Schulze, the expert in digital marketing and sales strategies. Focus on hotels and tourism

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These topics

  • Distribution: The perfect way to buy and book online.
  • Your digital company: Requirements, profile, and specification for the appropriate website and booking software. The strength and weakness profile of existing and new pages.
  • Direct sales strategies without loss of range; dealing with the price.
  • Revenue management and pricing strategies for small and large guest establishments.
  • MICE marketing – marketing and distribution of meeting rooms and event locations. Understanding customer requirements.
  • Evaluation management, complaint management, and social media marketing.
  • Operation type conceptions from market and gas inspection.


With these methods:

  • Sound analysis and consulting.
  • Exciting seminars, webinars, and workshops.
  • Entertaining and relevant lectures, key notes, and presentations.
  • Thought-related duties, requirements, profiles, and calls for tender suitable service providers and software partners.
  • Functioning project management on the way to an optimal technical and personal infrastructure for marketing and sales 4.0.
  • Helpful coaching and training of employees for e-business, social media marketing, valuation management, sales and revenue management.


How to reach us:

Tel. +49 (30) 23 137364
Skype: gabrieleschulzeberlin
Whatsapp: +49 (0)176 13100077